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Issue 7

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Table of Contents

Even Cowgirls Get the Blues
Lena Henke

Diary of a Cloud Watcher
Cecilia Pavón

Simone Forti
Interviewed by Sarah Lerher-Graiwer

Jibade-Khalil Huffman

Mariah Carey: Lyric in the Age of Semiocapitalism
Godfre Leung

Alina Tenser
Interviewed by Sara Roffino

The Man In The Moon
Stuart Krimko

Center Spread
Caitlin Keogh

How to Find?
Nikki Darling

Fred Greenberg: Hell’s Therapist
Peter Rostovsky

Chef Sean Sherman
Interviewed by Jonathan Thomas

Protest to the Anarchists of the Present and Future Concerning the Capitulations of 1980
Jean-Claude Lutanie, Introduction to Jean-Claude Lutanie—
Rachel Valinsky

Lara Mimosa Montes